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Gambusia fish


Gambusia fish , Daily Current Affairs , RACE IAS : Best IAS Coaching in Lucknow 

For Prelims: About the Gambusia Fish, Important points , Key facts about the Malaria (Transmission ,Symptoms,Vaccine)

Why in the news?                      

Recently, various government and non-government organizations in Andhra Pradesh, Odisha and Punjab have released Gambusia fish in local water bodies to overcome the mosquito problem.     

Important points:

  • This fish prevents the increase in their number by eating the larvae of mosquitoes.
  • Multiple countries, including India have listed Gambusia as invasive species.
  • Other than Gambusia, the fish that has received the most attention as a mosquito control agent is Poecilia reticulata.

About the Gambusia Fish:

  • It is also known as mosquito fish, and is widely used as a biological agent for controlling mosquito larvae.
  • It is native to the waters of the south-eastern United States.
  • It has been a part of mosquito-control strategies for over a century in various parts of the world, including India.
  • A single full-grown fish eats about 100 to 300 mosquito larvae per day.
  • Also, it has been part of various malaria control strategies in India since 1928, including the Urban Malaria Scheme.
  • The International Union for Conservation of Nature declared Gambusia one of the 100 worst invasive alien species in the world.
  • They  are small and of a dull gray coloring, with a large abdomen, and have rounded dorsal and caudal fins and an upturned mouth.

Key facts about the Malaria:

  • Malaria is a potentially life-threatening disease caused by parasites (Plasmodium Vivax, Plasmodium Falciparum, Plasmodium Malariae and Plasmodium Ovale).
  • The parasite can be spread to humans through the bites of infected mosquitoes.


  • The plasmodium parasite is spread by female Anopheles mosquitoes, which are known as "night-biting" mosquitoes because they most commonly bite between dusk and dawn.
  • There are many different types of plasmodium parasites, but only 5 types cause malaria in humans.
  • Plasmodium falciparum: It is mainly found in Africa, it's the most common type of malaria parasite and is responsible for most malaria deaths worldwide.
  • Plasmodium vivax : It is mainly found in Asia and South America, this parasite causes milder symptoms than Plasmodium falciparum, but it can stay in the liver for up to 3 years, which can result in relapses.
  • Plasmodium ovale: Fairly uncommon and usually found in West Africa, it can remain in your liver for several years without producing symptoms.
  • Plasmodium malariae: This is quite rare and usually only found in Africa.
  • Plasmodium knowlesi: This is very rare and found in parts of Southeast Asia.


  •  Fever, tiredness, vomiting, and headaches. In severe cases, it can cause yellow skin, seizures, coma, or death.
  • Malaria is preventable as well as curable.


  • RTS, RTS, S vaccine.


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