Mentorship Program For UPSC and UPPCS separate Batch in English & Hindi . Limited seats available . For more details kindly give us a call on 7388114444 , 7355556256.
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  • It is a majestic folk dance of Odisha which revives its roots from the famous classical Odissi dance form.
  • The word "Goti" in Odisha language means 'single" and the word "PUA" means "boy".

Children (especially) body are trained in

  • Singing
  • Dancing
  • Yoga
  • Acrobatics in the respective Gurukulas or Akhadas.
  • Boy are dressed as girls to perform at temple festivals conducted at temples, in social gathering or ceremonies etc.


  • The dance (Gotipua) has been derived when the shortage of female dancers called "Devadasi" "Mahari" was seen at the time of rule of Bhoi king Rama Chandra Dev.
  • With the decline of such Devadasi who were devoted to Lord Jagannath, the existence of male dancers performing Gotipua in Odisha came into being.


 There are variety of performances involved in Gotipua dance :

  1. Vandana (prayer to God)
  2. Abhinaya (the enactment of song)
  3. Bandha Nritya (acrobatic postures)
  • Bandha Nritya as an example of perfection and physical power with maximum flexibility.
  • It is mostly performed in adolescence.
  • The frequent and strong use of hands and feet is required.
  • Some musical instruments used in the background :
  1. Mardala (a Pakhawaj)
  2. Gini (Small Cymbals )
  3. Harmonium
  4. Violin
  5. Flute
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