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Iron Age



Iron Age


For Prelims: About Iron Age, End of Iron Age


Why in the news?                          

        A team of archaeologists claimed to have discovered a unique Iron Age megalithic site at Ooragutta near Bandala village in SS Tadvai mandal of Mulugu district, Telangana.


About Iron Age:

  • It was a period in human history that started between 1200 B.C. and 600 B.C., depending on the region, and followed the Stone Age and Bronze Age.
  • The Iron Age existed in Africa, Europe, and Asia during prehistoric times in the Old World. The Iron Age did not occur in America because this was the New World and had not yet been discovered.
  • People discovered iron at this time. It quickly became the preferred choice of metal, replacing the use of bronze in metalworking. The use of iron brought important changes to people’s lives.
  • Ironwork first began in Turkey before spreading to other European countries.
  • People used iron to make strong tools, which made farming easier.

        ○Farmers used an ‘ard’ (an iron plow) during the Iron Age to  turn over their fields. These were much more efficient than wooden or bronze plows.

  • They also made iron swords and other weapons.

     ○Huge armies of soldiers soon carried iron weapons.

     ○These weapons made an army much harder to defeat.

     ○Armies traveled to other lands and took over places they liked.

     ○Kings and other rulers gained great power.

  • Other changes in technology also happened during the Iron Age.

     ○People built large forts and bridges.

     ○Pottery and weaving improved.

     ○Humans dug deep mines in the ground to find salt and other valuable minerals.

End of Iron Age:

○The Iron Age is a part of prehistory, or the time before humans used writing.

○Therefore, the Iron Age ended once writing became widespread.

○Still, iron continues to be a popular choice for crafting iron tools, weapons, doors, windows, building supports, machinery, and more.

                                            Source: The Hindu

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