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Maulana Azad National Fellowship


Maulana Azad National Fellowship

For Prelims: About Maulana Azad National Fellowship (Objective, Scope, Implementing Agency)

 Why in the news?

 Researchers and doctoral students from about 30 universities across the country have written separate letters to the Union Minority Affairs Minister to increase the scholarships under Maulana Azad National Fellowship (MANF).


About Maulana Azad National Fellowship:


  • Objective: The objective of the Maulana Azad Fellowship Scheme (MANF) is to provide five year fellowships in the form of financial assistance.
  • It is given to students from six notified minority communities viz. Buddhist, Christian, Jain, Muslim, Parsi and Sikh, notified by the Central Government, to pursue M. Phil and Ph.D.
  • The scheme covers all Universities/Institutions recognized by the University Grants Commission (UGC) as under :
  • Central/State Universities (including constituent and affiliated institutions)

Deemed Universities

  • Institutions fully funded by the State / Central Government and empowered to award degrees.
  • Institutions of National Importance as notified by Ministry of Human Resource Development

Scope:The Fellowship will cater to the minority community students pursuing regular and full time research studies leading to award of M.Phil/Ph.D degree within India only.

  • This will enable them to be eligible for employment to the posts with M.Phil and Ph.D as pre- requisites, including the posts of Assistant Professors in various academic institutions.
  • Implementing Agency: UGC will be the nodal agency for implementing this fellowship.

Source: The Hindu

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