New Ramsar Sites
For Prelims: About New Ramsar Sites Added
Why in the news?
Recently, four more wetlands from India have got an international tag of Ramsar Convention sites.
About New Ramsar Sites Added:
Sakkarakottai Bird Sanctuary:
- Location: Tamil Nadu
- It is a unique mosaic wetland ecosystem located close to the Gulf of Mannar on the Central Asian flyway, a regular route for the migratory birds that comes from Iran, Afghanistan and Pakistan.
- This wetland acts as a breeding ground for several Resident/Resident-Migrant species of waterfowls.
Therthangal Bird Sanctuary:
- Location: Tamil Nadu
- It lies along the Central Asian Flyway and are critical breeding and foraging grounds for waterbirds.
- It plays a crucial role in climate regulation, recharging of groundwater, and irrigation.
- The sanctuary is home for many important endemic and near threatened species including the Painted stork, Black-headed ibis, Spot-billed pelican, Oriental darter and Pallied harrier among others
Udhwa Lake:
- Location: Jharkhand
- It is named after saint Uddhava of Mahabharat times, a friend of Lord Krishna.
- It falls within the Gangetic Plains bio-geographic zone.
- The Sanctuary has two water bodies i.e. Patauran (155 ha) and Berhale (410 ha), interconnected by a water channel. Patauran is a comparatively clean water body.
- It is the first Ramsar designated wetland from Jharkhand.
Khecheopalri Lake:
- Location: Sikkim
- It is a sacred gem revered by both Buddhists and Hindus.
- It is known as a wish-fulfilling lake, its tranquil waters are believed to be blessed by Guru Padmasambhava and the Goddess Tara.
- It is surrounded by lush forests and the mystical aura of ancient legends, this enchanting lake, part of the revered Demazong valley.
Source: The Times of India
Consider the following statements regarding the Sakkarakottai Bird Sanctuary:
Statement-I: It is a unique mosaic wetland ecosystem located in the State of Kerala.
Statement-II: It has recently received Ramsar site designation.
Which one of the following is correct in respect of the above statements?
A.Both Statement-I and Statement-II are correct, and Statement-II is the correct explanation for Statement-I.
B.Both Statement-I and Statement-II are correct, and Statement-II is not the correct explanation for Statement-I.
C.Statement-I is correct, but Statement-II is incorrect.
D.Statement-I is incorrect, but Statement-II is correct.
Answer D