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  Swarved Mahamandir


Swarved Mahamandir


For Prelims: About temple ,Key Points,Features,Spiritual Significance ,Meditation in India




Why in the news?

   Prime Minister Narendra Modi inaugurated the Swarved Mahamandir, a magnificent seven-floor temple located in Varanasi's Umaraha area which is the world’s largest meditation center.

Key Points

  • The visit marked the centenary celebration of Vihangam Yoga and the establishment of Vihangam Yog Sansthan by Sadguru Sadafal Deoji Maharaj, a renowned 19th-century spiritual leader.


About temple


  • The temple features an impressive design, including 125-petal lotus domes and can accommodate 20,000 individuals for meditation.
  •  Situated in the Umaraha area, it covers an expansive area of 3,00,000 square feet, approximately 12 km from Varanasi's city center.
  • Foundation and Construction: Laid in 2004, the temple's construction involved collaborative efforts from 600 workers and 15 engineers.


Distinctive Features


  •  The temple boasts teakwood ceilings and doors adorned with intricate carvings, along with 101 fountains enhancing its aesthetic appeal.
  • Verses from the Swarveda, a spiritual text by Sadguru Shri Sadafal Deoji Maharaj, adorn the walls of the seven-floor superstructure.
  • Pink sandstone embellishes the walls, and a medicinal herb garden adds to the temple's beauty.


Spiritual Significance


  • Named after the Swarveda, the temple aims to promote the teachings of this spiritual text.
  • It aims to radiate a spiritual aura, spreading a state of peaceful awareness worldwide.
  •  The temple advocates Brahma Vidya from the Swarveda, promoting spiritual wisdom and unwavering peace.
  • Swarved Mahamandir focuses on propagating Brahm Vidya from the Swarveda, aiming to enlighten seekers spiritually.
  •  The temple's vision is to illuminate humanity and inspire a state of serene consciousness globally.


Meditation in India


  • Ancient Origins: The practice of meditation finds its origins in ancient Indian scriptures like the Vedas, Upanishads, and the Bhagavad Gita, dating back thousands of years.
  • Vedic Period: Early references to meditative practices were primarily linked to Vedic rituals, focused on mental concentration and spiritual contemplation.
  • Spiritual Heritage: Meditation flourished within the teachings of great spiritual leaders like Buddha, Mahavira, Adi Shankaracharya, and others.


Source: The Hindustan times

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