Amrit Bharat Trains 2.0
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Why in the news?
Recently, the Railway Minister announced that the Ministry has introduced 12 significant improvements to the Amrit Bharat Version 2.0 trains.
About Amrit Bharat Trains 2.0:
Key Features:
○The upgraded trains boast 12 notable enhancements
○Semi-automatic couplers
○Modular toilets
○Ergonomic seats and berths
○Emergency talk-back systems
○Continuous lighting system, similar to Vande Bharat trains
○Advanced pantry car designs
○IoT based water level indicators – Internet based water level indicators to help watering station and on-board staff
○External emergency lights to provide basic lighting during emergency situations like derailments and accidents
Source: Financial Express
Consider the following statements regarding Amrit Bharat 2.0 Train:
1. These trains consist of IoT based water level indicators to help watering stations and on-board staff.
2. These are provided with basic lighting during emergency situations like derailments and accidents.
Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
A.1 only
B.2 only
C.Both 1 and 2
D.Neither 1 nor 2
Answer C