Brucellosis Disease
For Prelims: About Brucellosis Disease
Why in the news?
Recently, an eight-year-old girl from Kottakkal in Malappuram district of Kerala died after undergoing around two months of treatment for brucellosis.
About Brucellosis Disease:
- It is a bacterial disease caused by various Brucella species, which mainly infect cattle, swine, goats, sheep and dogs.
- Humans can acquire it through direct contact with infected animals, by eating or drinking contaminated animal products or by inhaling airborne agents.
- Most cases are caused by ingesting unpasteurised milk or cheese from infected goats or sheep.
- Human-to-human transmission is very rare, as per the World Health Organization (WHO).
- Symptoms of Brucellosis Disease:
- Fever, weakness, weight loss, and in general a feeling of discomfort
- In many patients, they can be mild and may not get diagnosed at all.
- The incubation period can vary from one week to two months, but it usually lasts between two and four weeks.
Who is at risk?
- It affects people of all ages.
- The WHO says that people who work with animals and are in contact with their blood, placenta, foetuses and uterine secretions have an increased risk of contracting the disease.
- This method of transmission primarily affects farmers, butchers, hunters, veterinarians and laboratory personnel.
- Treatment: It is usually treated with antibiotics.
- Prevention: Vaccination of cattle, goats and sheep is among the prevention options. Pasteurisation of milk for direct consumption and for creating derivatives such as cheese is an important step to prevent its transmission from animals to humans.
Source: The Hindu
With reference to Brucellosis Disease, consider the following:
1. It is a bacterial disease which mainly infects cattle, swine, goats, sheep and dogs.
2. It is caused in humans by ingesting unpasteurised milk from infected goats or sheep.
3. It affects only aged people across the globe.
How many of the above statements are correct?
A.Only one
B.Only two
C.All three
Answer B