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Mussenda conferta and Rungia longistachya



Mussenda conferta and Rungia longistachya , Daily Current Affairs , RACE IAS : Best IAS Coaching in Lucknow 

For Prelims: Two new plant species discovered in the Western Ghats,Kanyakumari Wildlife Sanctuary,Botanical Survey of India

Why in the news?                        

Recently, two new plant species have been discovered in the Western Ghats by Botanical Survey of India (BSI) scientists.

Important points:

  • A team of scientists from the Botanical Survey of India (BSI) made this discovery from evergreen forest areas in the southern end of the Western Ghats.
  • These discoveries have been published in recent issues of BSI's official magazine Taiwania and Nelumbo magazine.

Two new plant species discovered in the Western Ghats:

1.Musenda Conferta:

  • Mussenda conferta was discovered by a team led by scientists KA Sujana and RG Jeevadhyar from rocky areas of the Kanyakumari Wildlife Sanctuary.
  • It belongs to the Mussaenda hirsutissima family.
  • It prefers around rocks in high altitude grassland ecosystems.
  • It has attractive flowers, and the ornamental potential of this plant can be explored.

2.Rungia longstachya:

  • Rungia longstachya belongs to the Acanthaceae family.
  • It was discovered by senior conservation assistant Basil Paul and another team led by scientist C. Murugan from the wetlands of the Anamalai areas near the Idukki dam site in Kerala.
  • This plant is a herb and grows at the edges of evergreen forests.
  • Only eleven species of Rungia have been reported from the Western Ghats, and the newly discovered plant has a distinct, narrow, long spike with a long slender stalk and pale pinkish-white flowers.

About Kanyakumari Wildlife Sanctuary:

  • Located in the Kanyakumari district of Tamil Nadu, the sanctuary is situated at the confluence of the Arabian Sea, the Bay of Bengal and the Indian Ocean.
  • Seven rivers originate in this forest, including the famous Paharali and Thamirabarani rivers.
  • Flora: The region represents southern thorn forests, dry deciduous, moist deciduous, semi-evergreen forests and evergreen hill shoals with grasslands.
  • Fauna: It is home to reptiles like Indian bison, elephant, Nilgiri tahr, sambar deer, lion-tailed macaque and Indian rock python.

Botanical Survey of India:

  • The Botanical Survey of India was established on February 13, 1890.
  • It was established under the direction of Sir George King.
  • Its headquarters is located in Kolkata, West Bengal.
  • It was established with the basic objective of exploring the plant resources of the country and identifying plant species with economic values.
  • Botanical Survey of India (BSI), is the apex taxonomic research organization of the country.
  • It functions under the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, Government of India.

At present BSI has 16 regional centers/units.

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