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Sohrai Painting



Sohrai Painting


For Prelims: About Sohrai Painting


Why in the news?                        

The Prime Minister of India gifted Sohrai painting to the Russian President during the recently held BRICS summit in Kazan.


About Sohrai Painting :

  • It is an indigenous mural art form.
  • It is also interesting to note that the word ‘Sohrai’ comes from soro translating to ‘to drive with a stick’.
  • This art form dates back to the Meso-chalcolithic period (9000-5000 BC).
  • The Isko rock shelter excavated in Barkagaon, Hazaribagh area also has rock paintings that are exactly similar to the traditional Sohrai paintings.
  • Theme: It is usually based on natural elements of the universe, this includes forests, rivers, animals amongst others.
  • These ancient paintings are made by tribal (Adivasi) women with the use of natural substances like charcoal, clay, or soil.
  • The very primitive form of Sohrai art was in the form of cave paintings.
  • It is practiced by indigenous communities, particularly in the States of Jharkhand, Bihar, Odisha, and West Bengal.
  • It is the art of the women of the Kurmi, Santal, Munda, Oraon, Agaria, Ghatwal tribes.
  • The region of Hazaribagh in Jharkhand that has received the GI tag for this art form.
  • Sohrai paintings are distinctive for their vibrant colours, intricate patterns, and symbolic motifs;
  • There is a Sohrai festival held every year, marking the harvesting season and the arrival of winter.


                                                                            Source: News on air



With reference to Sohrai's painting, consider the following statements:

1. It is an indigenous mural art form.

2. It is mainly made by tribal women of Northeastern India.

3. The theme of this painting is based on natural elements of the universe like forests and rivers.


How many of the above statements are correct?

A.Only one

B.Only two

C.All three



Answer B

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