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Squalus hima



Squalus hima


For Prelims: About Squalus hima, Key facts about the Zoological Survey of India


Why in the news?

           Scientists from the Zoological Survey of India (ZSI) recently discovered a new species of deep-water dogfish shark Squalus hima from a fishing harbour in Kerala along the Arabian Sea.


About Squalus hima:

  • It is a new species of dogfish shark discovered from the southwest coast of India.
  • Squalus is a genus of dogfish sharks in the family Squalidae, commonly known as spurdogs and are characterized by smooth dorsal fin spines.

○They also have an angular short snout, a small mouth almost as wide as the snout, a first dorsal fin origin behind the pectoral fins, and a body without any spots.

○They are exploited for their liver oil, which contains high levels of squalene (or squalane when it is processed for products).

○It is in high demand in the pharmaceutical industry, particularly for making high-end cosmetic and anti-cancerous products.

○On the Indian coast, two species of Squalus are found from the southwest coast of India, and the new species, Squalus  n.sp., is very similar to Squalus lalannei, but differs in many characteristics.

  • The newly discovered Squalus hima differs from other species by the number of precaudal vertebrae, total vertebrae, teeth count, trunk & head heights, fin structure, and fin colour.


Key facts about the Zoological Survey of India

  • It is  a subordinate organization of the Ministry of Environment and Forests and was established in 1916.
  • It is a national center for faunistic survey and exploration of the resources leading to the advancement of knowledge on the exceptionally rich faunal diversity of the country.
  • It has its headquarters at Kolkata and 16 regional stations located in different geographic locations of the country.

                                                                  Source: The Hindu


Ques :- Which among the following best describes Squalus hima, recently seen in the news?


A.A newly discovered species of frog found in the Western Ghats.

B.An endangered bird species found in the eastern Himalayas.

C.A novel type of deep-sea coral found in the Indian Ocean.

D.A new species of dogfish shark discovered off the southwest coast of India.


Answer D

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