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Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC)


Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) , Daily Current Affairs , RACE IAS : Best IAS Coaching in Lucknow 


For Prelims:About Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC),Important points,Functions of the Commission,Supreme Court's instructions regarding Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC),Currently TRC countries


Why in the news?

Recently, Supreme Court judge Justice Sanjay Kishan Kaul in his judgment approved the revocation of special status of Jammu and Kashmir under Article 370 of the Constitution and called for a "Truth and Reconciliation Commission" to investigate and report on human rights violations. Installation is recommended.

Important points

  • Priscilla B. Hayner has written the book 'Unspeakable Truths: Transitional Justice and the Challenge of Truth Commissions' which contains reviews of 40 truth commissions.
  • Truth and Reconciliation Commissions focus on gathering information and evidence from both victims and perpetrators of violence rather than on prosecution and punishment for crimes.

About Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC)

  • Priscilla B. Heiner has defined a TRC as follows:
    • Focus on the past rather than ongoing events
    • Examines patterns of events over a period of time
    • Engaging directly and extensively with affected populations, gathering information about their experiences
    • Acts as a temporary body for the purpose of concluding with a final report.
  • It is also called 'Truth and Justice Commission' or in simple words 'Truth Commission'.
  • It is an official mechanism to acknowledge and expose the wrongdoings of both state and non-state.

Objectives of the Commission:

  • Addressing and resolving past conflicts.

Functions of the Commission:

  • This commission will investigate and report on human rights violations committed by both state and non-state actors in Jammu and Kashmir.
  • The Commission will investigate and report on human rights violations committed by state and non-state actors in Jammu and Kashmir since at least the 1980s and recommend reconciliation measures.

Supreme Court's instructions regarding Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC):

  • The court said the commission, once constituted, should not turn into a criminal court and it should follow a "humanized and personalized process whereby people can share whatever they are going through without any hesitation.
  • It should be based on dialogue, allowing for different perspectives and input from all parties.

Currently TRC countries:

  • Kenya, Uganda, South Africa, Canada, Australia, Sri Lanka and Nepal

Of which South Africa and Australia are the most famous and Canada is the most consequential

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