Generation Alpha-The Most Influential Generation
Generation Alpha-The Most Influential Generation
GS-1: Society
(UPSC/State PSC)
Nowadays children are extremely talented as compared to the older generation. This can be gauged from the excellent talent of children participating in Indian Idol, Super Dancer, 'Little Champs' and 'KBC-Student Special' TV programs and robotics etc. The level of awareness, intelligence, confidence, outspokenness and conversation style of these children makes them completely different from the children of the previous generation. Believe it or not, these kids are from Generation Alpha. It is believed that the children of Generation Alpha will lead the 100% digital world.
The children of Generation Alpha i.e. Alphas are currently not only making the whole world aware of their amazing works, but are also raising a wall of concerns and challenges in front of the future.
About Generation Alpha:
- Generation Alpha is the generation of children born between 2010 and 2024, also known as Generation I.
- This is the first generation born in the 21st century and is considered the most influential generation so far.
- This generation is considered to be the most technologically influenced demographic up-to-date. Alphas (children born in Generation Alpha) know and understand complex ideas and are capable of doing things that are far beyond their years.
- Children's generations are classified as follows:
- Lost Generation (born 1883-1900)
- Greatest Generation (born 1901–1927),
- Silent Generation (born 1928-1945),
- Baby Boomers (born 1946–1964),
- Generation X (born 1965–1980),
- Generation Y or Millennials (born 1981–1995),
- Generation Z (born 1996–2010),
- Generation Alpha I (born 2010-2024).
Historical Background of Generation Alpha:
- The term Generation Alpha was first used in a survey by Australian consulting agency 'McCrindle Research' in 2008.
- The founder of this agency, Mark McCrindle, is credited with coining this term.
- According to the agency McCrindle Research, 'Generation Alpha' was named after the hurricane.
- Although after the suggestion of naming the generation after Generation 'Z' as 'A', on the basis of majority it was named 'Generation Alpha'
Difference between Generation 'Z' and Generation 'Alpha':
- Generation 'Z' is quite diverse and multi-cultural. The way of writing and reading of Generation 'Z' is largely traditional. This is the generation in the phase of transition which has grown up with old values along with technology.
- Whereas Generation 'Alpha' is moving towards digital learning, where the concept of writing seems to be ending. Wherever this generation lives in the world, there will not be much difference in its lifestyle.
Meaning of 'Generation':
- Before the 19th century, 'generation' was seen as limited to the family and the surrounding society only.
- In 1863, French lexicographer and philosopher Émile Maximilien Paul Littre explained that people living in a particular time and society are called 'generation'.
- With time the word generation has also included modernization, industrialization, westernization and globalization.
Characteristics of Alpha Generation:
- Previous generations share some traits, especially with Generation Z, but the Alpha Generation is very different. The following symptoms can be seen in this:
- Alpha children are permanently attached to technological devices and their attention to new technologies is so great that it has become a way of life.
- Generation Alpha as an exciting generation that naturally uses smartphones and tablets. Children of this generation were born with iPhones, iPads, and apps. Alphas are growing up with the familiar sounds of Siri, Alexa and Google Assistant in their homes. In the world of alpha, interacting with artificial intelligence and voice assistants is quite natural.
- Children of this generation are independent in making their own decisions and managing their digital identities, and they expect their individual needs and preferences to be taken into account.
Problems of Alpha Generation:
- Alpha Generation children are born at a time when technological devices are getting smarter, and the physical and the digital are coming together. As they grow up, new technologies will become part of their lives, their experiences, their perspectives and their expectations of the world. Some neuroscientists and psychologists say that this will have many positive consequences, but also some negative consequences that will not necessarily affect everyone equally:
- Decrease in attention span and concentration:
- As they are accustomed to using multiple screens at once and scanning information quickly, their attention span and concentration may deteriorate.
- Lack of time to socialize:
- Spending most of the day indoors studying, learning and playing games online can make the socialization process of these children ineffective, meaning their relationship will not be based on social relationships but on technology.
- Low development of creativity and imagination:
- Without questioning the skills that the alpha generation will acquire thanks to new technologies, it should be emphasized that as the use of traditional games and toys among children decreases and new technology develops, there will be a possibility of negative impact on the imagination and creativity of this generation.
- Decrease in ability to achieve happiness:
- Excessive involvement in technology can cause physical disabilities in the children of this generation and can lead to cyber crime.
- As psychologist Jean M. Twenge writes in her book Igen, "There is a connection between the rise of smartphones and social media and the increase in depression, anxiety, and loneliness among today's youth".
Concerns related to Generation Alpha:
- People of some countries that excel in technological advancement especially Western Europe, America China, Japan are not happy and worried about the behavior of “Gen Alpha” generation. He believes that Gen Alpha is the first generation that has been exposed to social media at an early age, their future is in danger.
- However, since ancient times, every generation has been at the forefront in following the culture, ideals and traditions of its previous and present generation especially in India.
- If this concern of people turns out to be true, then this and each new generation will be at the lowest point in human evolution.
Way forward:
- People believe that intelligence is fixed as a trait and cannot be changed whereas, mental cognitive abilities are malleable and can be improved by changing them in children.
- This is reflected in how children are motivated to get better grades by encouraging them to perform better in exams. Belief in this notion helps Indian children to continuously work on their cognitive abilities while sharpening their intellect.
- Children should be motivated to become multilingual so that their memory, creativity and mental ability can increase.
- Generation Alpha requires change and a new approach towards education at all levels.
- Colleges should prepare to achieve alphas by creating study programs that require intensive learning. Schools need to start designing programs that are flexible enough to adapt and change quickly according to the inquisitive minds of young alphas.
- The right way to teach young alphas is the need to develop their critical thinking and problem-solving skills.
- It will be important for Generation Alpha children to be able to look at problems from different perspectives.
- Teamwork will let them analyze possible alternative solutions according to different viewpoints and then make decisions based on their individual and personal critical thinking.
Generation Alpha in the future:
- More than 28 lakh children are born every week all over the world.
- The largest population of Alpha Generation will be in Asia.
- The largest countries of Alpha Generation will be India, China and Indonesia.
- Metaverse gaming is going to make its mark in a big way.
- 81% of the children of this generation will play an important role in the purchasing of the whole world.
- The purchasing trends of 55% of Generation Alpha children are being determined by social media influencers and YouTube stars.
- Generation Alpha will not recognize apartheid or racism.
- 27% parents believe that their children give the most importance to iPad or iPhone.
- 96% say that their children do not know about color or racism.
- 4 out of 5 parents think that the thinking of the Alpha Generation will be global and resolved.
- 95% of the Alpha Generation will be very conscious about the environment.
What after Generation Alpha?
- Now only 2 years are left for Generation Alpha. The question has already started arising as to what will be the name of the next generation. The answer is- 'Generation Beta' which will be of children born from 2025 to 2039.
- In 2019, India, US, UK, China and Brazil had the highest number of Alpha Generation children.
- A survey was conducted on about 8000 parents of the generation. Many facts have come to light in this.
- The Alpha Generation, born from Millennial parents i.e. Generation 'Z', is the first generation in the 21st century and is not only the largest among all the generations till now, but is also going to reach every corner of the world. To keep the future of the Alpha Generation innovative, we need to keep them connected to traditions and culture.
- Alphas need to be creative and quick thinkers as they will be members of the human race. This is the generation that will live on Mars and the Moon.
Source: Indian Express, Dainik Bhaskar
Mains Question:
“Generation Alpha” is the most influential generation ever. Analyze critically.