Impact of Sexual Harassment in Sports
Impact of Sexual Harassment in Sports
- Recently, Indian women wrestlers have made serious allegations of sexual harassment against the head of the Wrestling Federation of India.
- Several such cases of sexual harassment have come to the fore in different units of the Sports Authority of India (SAI) over the past decade. These include cases ranging from molestation to physical abuse.
Sexual Harassment Cases:
- India ranks fourth in terms of sexual harassment in the world.
- On an average, there are three incidents of sexual assault every hour in India.
- On an average, 75 incidents of sexual harassment are reported in India every day
- Around 95,731 cases of sexual harassment were pending in the year 2013.
- In almost every field including sports, cases of harassment are growing at large scale with men and women both.
Sexual Harrasment:
- Sexual harassment refers to undesirable sexual behavior or verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature that results intrusion with a person's daily work or causes humiliation and intimidation in the workplace. Sexual assault is also often referred to as 'psychological rape'.
- Sexual harassment may include the following conduct-
- Making physical contact.
- Making sexual demands.
- Making sexist comments.
- Showing obscene images or pornography.
- Unwanted physical, verbal and non-verbal conduct.
Causes of Sexual Harassment:
- Extreme macho culture ie male dominance.
- Economic dependence of women on men.
- Lack of leadership potential among women.
- Lack of awareness due to lack of education among women.
- Social evils- child marriage, purdah system, widow remarriage etc.
- Lack of proper judicial system.
- No effective action against high profile people.
- Indifference of administration.
Efforts to Prevent Sexual Harassment:
At the National Level
Law to prevent molestation and sexual harassment of women-
- There is no specific law provision in India to prevent sexual harassment.
- Sections 294, 354, 376, and 510 of the Indian Penal Code prohibit various forms of sexual harassment in public places.
- The Indecent Representation of Women (Prohibition) Act, 1986 provides for imprisonment of up to two years in case of harassment of women.
- In the case of Textile Export Promotion Board Vs. A.K. Chopra, the Supreme Court considered harassment of women as gender discrimination.
- In the case of Rupan Deol Bajaj vs. Kanwar Pal Singh Gill, the Supreme Court has considered harassment of women as a major crime.
- In the case of Visakha and others vs. State of Rajasthan, the Supreme Court by issuing guidelines has legally considered harassment of women as a violation of fundamental rights.
- Code of Criminal Procedure 1973 for female accused.
- Immoral Traffic Prevention Act 1956.
- The Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013.
- POCSO Act.
Constitutional provisions-
- The basic objective of the Indian Constitution is to provide socio-economic justice to the citizens.
- Article-14 gives equal rights to both men and women in the matter of law.
- Article-15 opposes discrimination on the basis of religion, caste, sex, place of birth etc.
- Article-19(1) gives all citizens the right to choose any right.
- Article-21 gives the right to live life and liberty.
- Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 1948 – It talks about dignity, rights, freedom and equality for women under Articles 1, 2 and 7.
- United Nations Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women, 1979
- International Declaration on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, 1966
Tips to prevent sexual harassment:
- Be aware of nearby safe places.
- Use special codes or hints to deal with difficult situations.
- Follow different routes for disposal of external works.
- Keep the parents informed about all your activities.
- Be careful going out with friends.
- Memorize emergency and mobile numbers of your relatives.
- A grievance redressal system should be set up to prevent sexual harassment at workplaces.
- Public awareness programs should be started at the local level.
- Families should come forward to stop it.
- Efforts should be made to bring a change in the mindset of the society.
- Fast track courts should be established.
- Awareness training on prevention of sexual harassment should be given to both male and female personnel in every organization.
- To prevent increasing sexual harassment in sports, the rules of ethics should be strictly followed.
- Healthy sports culture should be established at the global level.
- It is absolutely true that the outlook of the society cannot be changed at once. But it is necessary that the Sports Authority of India takes quick and effective strict steps for the safety of its players.
- Instead of empowering coaches and officials, a transparent system should be established where women players do not suffer any kind of exploitation due to the fear of their future.
- It is the first responsibility of the government and the administration to protect the honor of women players who bring honor to the country.