Increasing Pollution, Decreasing Life
Increasing Pollution, Decreasing Life
Mains Exam: General Studies Paper 3
(Pollution & Environment protection)
July 28, 2023
- The number of Indian cities in the ranking of polluted cities around the world has increased over the years. According to the report of 'The Energy Policy Institute', the level of pollution in North India is ten times more dangerous than other cities of the world.
- While many new diseases and other problems are arising due to air pollution, it is also affecting the age. According to American researchers, due to increasing air pollution, the age of Indians is decreasing by nine years. According to 'The Energy Policy Institute' of the University of Chicago, it is very important to control the increasing air pollution in India.
- Any such undesirable change in the physical, chemical and biological properties of air, water and soil, due to which man himself harms the natural, biological and cultural elements of the entire environment, is called pollution. Pollution is classified as following:
- Air Pollution
- Water Pollution
- Land or Soil Pollution
- Pollution from solid wastes
- Noise pollution
- Radioactive Pollution
- According to a recently published report in the journal 'Environmental Science and Technology', high concentration of PM 2.5 is mainly responsible for pollution in India.
- PM 2.5 are respirable fine particles, typically 2.5 micrometers or smaller in diameter.
- Indian cities have the highest levels of PM 2.5 particles (the fine particles that cause pollution) in the air annually compared to other cities in the world.
Causes of Pollution:
- There are many reasons for increasing pollution across the country. Brick kilns, wildly increasing petroleum vehicles, factories, burning of crops and many other small factors are involved in this.
- There have been eleven researches on emissions in the last two decades. These researches took place in London, New York and Beijing. According to their report, the causes of air pollution include chemical products, paint in homes and burning of coal.
- In another research, such reasons have also been given for increasing air pollution, which are very dangerous. These factors include sulfur and nitrogen oxides from power plants, diesel burning and fossil fuel emissions, which need to be brought under control.
- Because of this, the average age of people has reduced by three years in many states of the country.
- The study shows that in 2019, ambient PM 2.5 caused more than one million deaths in South Asia, mainly from fuel burning in homes, industry and electricity generation.
- The study found that solid biofuels are the major contributor to mortality due to PM 2.5, followed by coal, oil and gas.
Areas Affected By Air Pollution:
- Delhi tops among Indian cities in terms of air pollution. In the last decade, increasing air pollution has reached Maharashtra and Madhya Pradesh in western and central India.
- Significantly, out of fifty most polluted cities in the world, 35 cities are from India.
Measures to control Air Pollution:
- A team of researchers from 'Oak Ridge National Laboratory' and 'Berkeley National Laboratory' has used the MFM-520 system to adsorb NO2.
- Air pollution can be controlled by this technique. This can help prevent the bad effects of nitrogen on the environment. If this new experiment is completely successful, then a lot can be got rid of the problem of air pollution. This technology can adsorb greenhouse and toxic gases from the atmosphere and convert them into useful, valuable products.
- According to scientists, if the common man comes forward, apart from air pollution, noise, soil, light, water and fire pollution can be got rid of. It is necessary to inculcate the habit of using public transport as much as possible. One of the reasons why Mumbai has less air pollution than Delhi is the greater use of public transport there.
- Some effect of this can be seen in Delhi with new technology like e-bus. Significantly, due to the excessive use of private vehicles, the amount of carbon monoxide in the atmosphere increases a lot.
- The biggest reason for reducing air pollution in India and import of petroleum products from abroad is the use of petroleum vehicles. While using e-vehicles will get rid of air pollution, the expenditure on import of petroleum products will also be saved.
- There is a need to adopt such a lifestyle, which is helpful in protecting the environment. While this will help in avoiding diseases, it will also inculcate the habit of living a natural life.
- Lack of oxygen can be removed by planting a garden. Due to this, greenery will increase all around, while the production of fruits, dry fruits and wood will also be done as per the requirement.
- According to scientists, energy savings can be done better by reducing electricity consumption and also avoid the heat generated by electric bulbs and other products.
- Common man uses plastic more than necessary in everyday life. Despite being a better option, we habitually keep using plastic bags due to habit. Significantly, plastic bags are the main reason for increasing air pollution. These bags reach the river, drain and sea and also cause death for the animals living in them. That's why it is important to get rid of plastic bags. And by using solar energy, we can reduce the problem of air pollution to a great extent.
- Installing solar panels in homes is a better alternative to electricity.
- A material called Metal Organic Framework (MOF) has been developed under the leadership of 'The University of Manchester' of England. It has the ability to adsorb nitrogen dioxide (NO2).
- Nitrogen dioxide is a toxic and pollutant gas produced especially from the burning of diesel and bio-fuels. NO2 can be easily converted into nitric, which is used as an agricultural fertilizer for crops. Nitric acid is very useful. Rocket fuel and materials like nylon can also be made from it.
- Our role in reducing air pollution is very important. We buy only such things from the market which can be used again and again. Similarly smoking is responsible for increasing air pollution. If we do not use bidis, cigarettes and other tobacco products, we can be helpful in reducing air pollution. The most effective solution is to be aware ourselves and make others aware as well. With this, the problem of air pollution can be solved quickly.
- According to the Air Quality Index report released by 'The Energy Policy Institute', if the people of Delhi have to increase their average life by 10 years, then the instructions of the World Health Organization need to be implemented immediately.
Mains Exam Question
Suggest rational measures to control the increasing pollution in the country.