Mentorship Program For UPSC and UPPCS separate Batch in English & Hindi . Limited seats available . For more details kindly give us a call on 7388114444 , 7355556256.





HISTORICAL EVOLUTION, MAKING AND FEATURES OF CONSTITUTION HISTORICAL UNDERPINNINGS The commercial contacts between India and Europe were very old via the land route either through the Oxus Valley or Syria or Egypt. But the new route via the cape of good hope was discovered by Vasco-Da-Gama in 1498. Therefore, many trading companies came to India and established their trading center in...

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Types of Ethics

Types of Ethics Behavioral Ethics Behavioral ethics is the study of why people make the ethical and unethical decisions that they do. Its teachings arise from research in fields such as behavioral psychology, cognitive science, and evolutionary biology. Behavioral ethics is different from traditional philosophy. Instead of focusing on how people ought to behave, behavioral ethics studies...

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Participatory Governance In India

Participatory Governance In India India has had a long history of local governance.  The concept of village as a self sufficient unit and existence of Panchayats at village level have existed since ancient times.  Panchayats were institutions of local people for governance and resolutions of disputes at local level. In the modern India, the concept of participatory development had...

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Features Of Participatory Governance

Features Of Participatory Governance 1. Participatory Budgeting Participatory budgeting is a process of democratic deliberation and decision making, in which ordinary residents of a village or city decide how the allocate part of a panchayat or municipal or public budget.  Participatory budgeting is usually characterized by several basic design features, such as: identification of spen...

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POLITY AND POLITICAL SCIENCE Political Science is the study of Various theory about the evolution of state, about the System of Government and governance, how it works and so on. While Polity is the prototype or a model of Government that is the whole political system in practice. In other words polity Indicates the type of Administration and constitutional machinary in force: Indian polity...

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The Attributes Of Good Governance

The Attributes Of Good Governance 1. Rightsizing governmental functions: It is essential that the role of the state is primarily to the care functions that cannot be performed by the markets.  There is a need to identify those care areas.  Security, law and order, social services, creation of infrastructure, and macroeconomic management are some areas. We must strengthen the exi...

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Economics & Economy

In the complex and ever-evolving tapestry of human society, the economy stands as a foundational thread, weaving together the fabric of our daily lives. The chapter "Economy Basics" embarks on a journey to unravel the fundamental principles that underpin economic systems around the world. From the intricate interplay of supply and demand to the pivotal role of businesses and government p...

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ट्रम्प का पुनः निर्वाचन और भारत-अमेरिका संबंध:

ट्रम्प का पुनः निर्वाचन और भारत-अमेरिका संबंध:   सन्दर्भ कड़ी प्रतिस्पर्धा के बाद रिपब्लिकन उम्मीदवार डोनाल्ड ट्रंप दूसरे कार्यकाल के लिए संयुक्त राज्य अमेरिका के राष्ट्रपति चुने गए हैं। ट्रंप ने डेमोक्रेटिक उम्मीदवार कमला हैरिस को 277 इलेक्टोरल वोटों से हराया, जबकि कमला हैरिस 224 इलेक्टोरल वोटों के साथ पीछे हैं। ट्रंप को विजेता घोषित कर दिया गया है. दुनिया भर के कई नेताओं ने...

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Trump’s Re-election and India US Relations

Trump’s Re-election and India US Relations   Context: After intense competition, Republican nominee Donald Trump has been elected as the President of the United States for the second term. Trump defeated Democratic candidate Kamala Harris with 277 electoral votes, while Kamala Harris trails with 224 electoral votes. Trump has been declared the winner. Many leaders across...

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Indian Literary Sources

Indian Literary Sources                 The ancient Indian literature is mostly religious in nature. The Puranic and Epic literature are considered as history by Indians, but it contains no definite dates for events and kingdoms. The effort of history writing was shown by a large number of inscriptions, coins, and local chron...

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