Mentorship Program For UPSC and UPPCS separate Batch in English & Hindi . Limited seats available . For more details kindly give us a call on 7388114444 , 7355556256.




Right to Information

Right to Information Information is required by every citizen to participate in the life and governance of a nation. Executive at all levels tries to hide information in order to increase its control over people and at times exercise powers arbitrarily. Therefore, it is important to demystify rules and procedures and keep the relevant information related to governance in the public domain. R...

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Accountability Accountability can be broadly defined as the obligation of those holding power to take responsibility for their behaviour and actions. This obligation might stem out of a legal requirement or out of a moral-ethical need to account for one's behaviour. It is a relational concept as it concerns the relationship between those that perform an action or deliver a service, and thos...

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Transparency The term 'trarsparency' refers to the 'increased flow of timely and reliable information, which is accessible to all the relevant stakeholders'. In other words, transparency is the dissemination of regular and accurate information. It is about making decisions and actions visible and about sharing and disclosing the necessary information to the stakeholder involved....

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Constitutional Developments under British Crown (1858-1947)

Constitutional Developments under British Crown (1858-1947) Government of India Act, 1858 This significant Act was enacted in the wake of the Revolt of 1857-also known as the First War of Independence or the 'sepoy mutiny'.   The act known as the Act for the Good Government of India, abolished the East India Company, and transferred the powers of Government, territories an...

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Narasimham Committee

Narasimham Committee Banking sector reforms in India were conducted on the basis of Narasimham Committee reports I and II (1991 and 1998 respectively). The recommendations of Narasimham committee 1991 are No more nationalization; create a level playing field between the public sector, private sector and foreign sector banks select few banks like SBI for global operations reduce Statut...

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Banking Sector Schemes

Banking Sector Schemes Lead Bank Scheme  The Lead Bank Scheme was introduced by the Reserve Bank of India in December 1969. In this scheme, under area approach, every bank discharges their social responsibilities. Each bank concentrates on certain districts where it acts as a lead bank. The Scheme aims at coordinating the activities of banks and other developmental agencies to avoid du...

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Important dimensions of Governance

Important dimensions of Governance Many theorists defined the notion of governance of current years. It is explained by group of academicians that "Public sector governance refers to the way that the state acquires and exercises the authority to provide and manage public goods and services, including both public capacities and public accountabilities (Levy, 2007). UNDP Strategy Note on Go...

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Theories of Governance

Theories of Governance: Although interest in governance in the early 21st century owes much to public-sector reforms that began in the 1980s, these reforms and the interest they inspired cannot be easily separated from theories such as rational choice and the new institutionalism. It is important to recognize that the meaning of governance varies according to not only the level of generality a...

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Classification of historic periods

Classification of historic periods History can be classified in three- pre history, proto history, and history 1 Pre historic period:            The term prehistory is referred to the time period before the era of recorded history. The era of beginning of the universe and when there was the beginning of life on earth is described as prehistoric...

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Consequences of Ethics

Consequences of Ethics The consequences are the effects caused by an action and the quality of these consequences depend on how much good they contain. Motives are the causes and the consequences are the effect. The consequences are defined by various theories, one such is utilitarianism. Utilitarianism evaluates consequences by how much happiness and suffering they contain. The consequence tha...

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