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Prison Reforms and draft National Policy on Prison Reforms

  Prison Reforms and draft National Policy on Prison Reforms   Prisons are a subject of state list in Indian constitution. The prisons in most states in India face problems of overcrowding, corruption, discrimination, inequality, issues of sanitation, food and health related issues. The women prisoners face sexual violence and so on.  The issue of prison reforms came into l...

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Second Administrative Reforms Commission

Second Administrative Reforms Commission             The Government of India set up the Second Administrative Reforms Commission (ARC) on August 31, 2005 under the chairmanship of Shri Veerappa Moily to prepare a detailed blueprint for revamping the Public Administration System. The commission was asked to suggest measures to achieve a &quo...

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Digital India

Digital India This programme has been envisaged by Department of Electronics and Information Technology (DeitY). The vision of Digital India aims to transform the country into a digitally empowered society and knowledge economy.  The programme will be implemented in phases from the current year till 2018. The Digital India is transformational in nature and would ensure that Government s...

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Aspects of governance of India

Aspects of governance of India Governance (as opposed to “good” governance) can be defined as the rule of the rulers, typically within a given set of rules. One might conclude that governance is the process – by which authority is conferred on rulers, by which they make the rules, and by which those rules are enforced and modified. Thus, understanding governance requires an i...

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Governance And Development: Inter-Relationship

Governance And Development: Inter-Relationship The term development is closely related to the process of governance.  Every state in the world initiates a series of development activities in order to bring about a positive change in the economy, society and the lives of its citizens. However, it has been observed that the benefits from development initiatives have not had the desired ef...

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Determinants of Ethics

Determinants of Ethics Determinants of Ethics are foundations from which ethical standards develop. For example, Time Historical background shape the societal ethical behaviour. For example, Code of Hammurabi, made Bribery a crime in Babylon during 18th century B.C. Historical common ethical codes, such as against murder, causing injury to fellow human being, honour and reputation of a...

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World Bank defines governance as: ‘the traditions and institutions by which authority in a country is exercised.  This considers the process by which governments are selected, monitored and replaced; the capacity of the government to effectively formulate and implement soundpolicies and respect of citizens and the state of the institutions that govern economic and social interactions am...

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E - Governance

E- Governance Structure   Introduction Types of Government interaction in e-governance Some initiatives in the same field National e-governance Plan Recent Initiatives m-governance Government initiatives for m-governance Advantages of e-governance Disadvantages of e-governance Challenges in e-governance Conclusion   Introduction The “e”...

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दबाव समूह

दबाव समूह परिचय ये समूह लोकतांत्रिक राजनीति का एक अनिवार्य हिस्सा हैं। ये समूह ऐसे संगठन हैं जो सरकारी नीतियों और निर्णयों को प्रभावित करने का प्रयास करते हैं। वे तब बनते हैं जब समान हितों, विचारों और आकांक्षाओं वाले लोग एक समान उद्देश्य को प्राप्त करने के लिए एक साथ आते हैं। इसके अलावा दबाव समूह उन लोगों का एक समूह है जो अपने सामान्य हितों को बढ़ावा देने और बचाव के लिए सक्रिय रूप से संगठित...

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Pressure groups

Pressure groups   Introduction These  groups are an essential part of a democratic polity. These groups are the organizations that attempt to influence government policies and decisions. They are formed when people with common interests, opinions and aspirations come together in order to achieve a common objective. Also a pressure group is a group of people who are organized act...

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